Spid’s latest adventure is about recognising and taking charge of your feelings. And inspiring resolutions for the year ahead.
It’s New Year’s Eve and the last thing Spid wants to do is celebrate. Now Spidmas is over, he feels unloved and unappreciated. But just as Spid is thinking he’ll never make anything of himself, Bid comes up with an idea that changes everything.
The book features two Spid the Spider songs: Happy New Year (Sheen Neean Kwai Luh*) (a thought-provoking track about taking risks to lead a fulfilling life) and New Year Ensemble(Party Dance Version) a bubbly party track about New Year being a time to draw a line with the past and look forward with renewed confidence). Each song has an accompanying QR code to take you to a musical version of the song, thus allowing readers to further engage with the stories and sing-along.
*Sheen Neean Kwai Luh is the English pronunciation version of Xin Nian Kuai Le (which means Happy New Year in Chinese).
Spid the Spider’s books are designed to help your children learn to read, grow and succeed in life. Check out our fun children’s activities for further information and tools to entertain and inspire your child.