It’s now over 50 years since the first moon landing on Saturday 20th July 1969.  When Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon with fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin he said “That’s one small step for man, and a giant step for mankind”. NASA’s Artemis missions now plan to return to the moon with the ultimate aim to set up a permanent moon base.

In the meantime, Spid and friends also holidayed on the moon in Spid the Spider Goes to the Moon. But what did they discover? What was the moon like? Is the place filling up with hotels? And what would really make you want to go and visit?

Parent and teacher notes

So now, like the very best of advertising agencies, here’s a fun activity for children to create a moon holiday advert. They can either work independently or in pairs or small groups.

To help get the creative juices flowing, first ask them to think about what the experience would be like, and what makes it appealing and different as a holiday destination?

Then ask them to draw a picture and write a headline, and a few words to entice others to visit the moon.

Which moon holiday advertising messages work best?

To help learn what messages are most persuasive, gather all of the moon holiday adverts together, and display them as a gallery. Then ask the children to ‘vote’ for the one idea that best speaks and appeals to them, and perhaps one that does not. Then tally the votes, and discuss why the ideas speak and appeal to them.  Consider and discuss too, why ideas do not appeal. The most persuasive advertisements usually explain the benefits of the experience, meet or create a need, and are distinctive and impactful. Visualising benefits, and particularly emotional benefits, by conveying human feelings, tends to be powerful too.

Click the link below to download our moon advertising brief

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