Our free to download and play ‘planetary responsibility’ memory game is to entertain and help children think about our planet and how to protect it.  It accompanies the book, Spid the Spider Helps Save the Planet, which is a great read to introduce this topic.

How the game works

First, download, colour print and cut out the two pages of cards. There are nine pairs of matching cards. Then place the cards upside down on a table.

The aim of the game is to collect as many matching pairs as possible.

Each player takes turns to turn over any two cards.

If the cards match, then the player keeps them. If they do not match they are returned upside down to the table.

Play continues until the table is empty of cards.

The ‘winner’ is the person who collects the most pairs.

Discussing planetary responsibility

Ask children to describe the illustrations on the cards, and explain the messages they take from, and linkages between the cards.  The cards show:

  • Planet Earth which is visible as a blue dot from outer space (due to the unusual abundance of water on our planet). Planet Earth orbits ..
  • The sun, our star, which provides heat and light to planet Earth. Earth is at a distance from the sun where the temperature means that most of the water is in liquid form. Planets further away from the sun are colder, and where there is water, it is in frozen form. Planets closer to the sun are warmer than the Earth, and any water that might have been there has evaporated (turned to gaseous form) and blown away.
  • Spid the spider and his girlfriend Bid enjoying the world in which we live. There is an abundance of life on planet Earth including birds, and other insects such as …
  • butterflies.  In the 4.5bn years since the big bang, complex hydrocarbons bound together to form many forms of life including …
  • flowers, and trees. Flowers and trees fuel life on planet Earth. Together with sunlight, they take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and turn it into oxygen (which insects and animals need to breathe) and sugars (a food to eat). This process is called photosynthesis. Over the millions of years that trees and other plants, lived, grew and died on Earth, they then decayed and compressed underground forming coal, and oil and gas deposits. This process effectively locked carbon underground.  During the industrial revolution these coal, oil and gas deposits were then extracted on large scale to power homes, machinery, and transport including …
  • cars, freeing carbon dioxide to return to the atmosphere. This process contributes to the so-called ‘greenhouse effect’ – the cause of global warming. In the image, we see a spidling throwing litter out of his car window … onto the road, to litter verges or blow into drains, and ultimately rivers, and seas.
  • Spid reading about the threat to the planet from litter. Plastics are the largest, most harmful, and most persistent fraction of marine litter, accounting for at least 85 per cent of total marine waste. A UK land analysis suggests plastics account for 63 per cent of litter, and of this 50 per cent traces to 10 brands.  Ecosystems and wildlife are being destroyed by litter and plastics. The human body is vulnerable on multiple fronts. Plastics are ingested from water sources, through seafood, drinks, and even common salt. They also penetrate the skin and are inhaled when suspended in the air. Plastics could cause hormonal changes, developmental disorders, reproductive abnormalities, and cancer.
  • rubbish, recycling bins and Herman clearing rubbish; many countries in the world operate different schemes to collect and recycle rubbish. But there is lots more that we can do. But what?

Support Spid’s planetary responsibility campaign

Start by supporting Spid’s campaign to save the planet from litter and save our species. You can also join Spid in supporting World Cleanup Day too – it takes place on the third Saturday of September.


  • Clock to Download the Planetary Responsibility Memory Game
  • Clock to Download the Planetary Responsibility Memory Game

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