The aim of both of our pre-reading and post-reading-motivation assessments is to benchmark children’s attitudes to reading, learning and their hopes in life over time.

It will help you devise strategies to bring out the best in them.

Guidance for parents and teachers

  1. By surveying children over time you’ll be able to assess the degree to which their attitudes change.
  2. You can then use the findings to adapt teaching strategies to encourage reading and learning. For context, Professor Carol Dwek found that c. 60% children have a ‘growth’ mindset (believe that they can better themselves through determination and learning) and that c. 40% have a ’fixed’ mindset. Through engaging children, helping them learn to read, and in particular from Spid’s adventures, the proportion of those with a ‘growth’ mindset should increase. Thus, inspiring them to succeed.
  3. For robust and fair analysis of findings over time, the samples should ideally be ‘matched’ i.e. identical. They should therefore typically comprise a whole class, or year group.
  4. Further, to ensure even greater data integrity, and better interpret the results, it helps that individual progress/change or otherwise can be also measured over time.  Thus, a reference who individual children are should ideally be added to the survey e.g., a child’s initials, first name or number. Then individual responses can be directly compared over time.
  5. However, please note that it is standard market research industry practice and data protection law that children’s personal details (e.g., i.e. their names, contact details etc.,) are not disclosed to third parties. This mitigates against bias and respects individual confidentiality. Thus for help to analyse and interpret findings from ourselves or external organisations, please follow the protocol summarised at #4.
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