This free-to-download save the planet word search is to help your children improve their spelling and planetary comprehension skills.
To start, either read Spid the Spider Helps Save the Planet with your children, or just dive straight into the word search. The story introduces the concept of littering and the consequences for our planet. In the story, Spid is horrified to find litter has been thrown into his garden. But he soon realises that littering and rubbish aren’t just a problem for him – they’re a problem for the whole planet.
To start the word search, print and give children copies of our download and ask them to find as many words as possible in say 10 minutes. Also ask them to write down the meaning of the words they find. To inspire children to invest more effort, after ten minutes, ask the children how many words they have uncovered. Then allow more time until one or more or all have uncovered fifteen words. You can then ask the class to share and discuss their answers. This is also an opportunity to discuss the meanings of the words and effect on planetary well-being.
There are fifteen words to find though one word (plant) appears twice. There are five in the vertical axis (reading top to the bottom) and three in the horizontal axis (reading left to right). Also a further eight reading diagonally from top left to bottom right.
Click the link below to download the save the planet word search proforma and version with the answers highlighted.
To help children learn even more about litter and its effects on our planet, try our ‘litter cycle’ discussion.
Click to download the Word search proforma and answers