This resource is to support home and school discussions on the ‘litter cycle’ and help children understand the implications of litter on our planet. Like Spid in his adventure, Spid the Spider Helps Save the Planet it will also help them realise that they can do something. A poster of the ‘litter cycle’ accompanies the book Spid the Spider Helps Save the Planet. It is designed for display on home and school walls and to inspire discussion on the causes and effects of litter, and planetary pollution.
Ask your children to reflect on the town and countryside where they live? If it is beautiful and litter-free, if so, why is this? If not, why not?
According to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), there is a growing threat from marine litter and plastic pollution to all species and ecosystems from source to sea.
Plastics are the largest, most harmful, and most persistent fraction of marine litter, accounting for at least 85 per cent of total marine waste. A UK land analysis by Loughborough University suggests plastics account for 63 per cent of litter, and of this 50 per cent traces to 10 brands.
Ecosystems and wildlife are being destroyed by litter and plastics. The human body is vulnerable on multiple fronts. Plastics are ingested from water sources, through seafood, drinks, and even common salt. They also penetrate the skin and are inhaled when suspended in the air. Plastics can cause hormonal changes, developmental disorders, reproductive abnormalities, and cancer.
This is an opportunity to research or brainstorm ideas, in small class groups, or as a whole class. Encouraging topic research or discussion in small groups allows everyone more speaking or discussion time. Then by combining and listing the ideas as a class, and assessing them in terms of ‘impact’ and ‘ease of doing’ you could then develop and prioritise the ideas.
Experience from some other countries provides some ideas to prevent or limit littering. In countries such as Singapore, it is culturally unacceptable to litter, partly through public education, and also enforcement (fines for littering, and work orders for those caught littering). because fines for littering are high. Some forty or so countries, including Finland, also operate deposit return schemes on plastic and glass bottles, and cans. In Finland this has operated since 1950.
All starts with individuals taking responsibility for their own litter and behaviour. You can start by joining Spid in supporting World Cleanup Day which takes place on the third Saturday of September (16th September 2023). Beyond, this there is also a need for urgent, global political and Governmental will and action to dramatically reduce unnecessary, avoidable, and problematic waste and damage to the environment. The United Nations do much to champion a sustainable world though more can be done. You can also support Spid’s campaign to ‘Save Our Planet from Litter and Help Save our Species‘ with one-click at
To help children improve their spelling and comprehension of some of these words try our save the planet word search.
Download our free A4 litter cycle poster